God always calls forth
light out of the darkness! We are a people coming out of great darkness, much like the people during the days of Jesus when
he walked upon the earth. He came as the LIGHT of the world and shined forth in the earth of man. Great darkness had prevailed
upon the minds of men until the light had come and exposed the darkness. The darkness upon men caused them to become wicked,
destructive, evil and to be filled with malice. The light that followed caused glee and joy and happiness to inhabit the earth
once again.
Today a great reformation
is under way as the THIRD and final phase of the house of God is being completed. The darkness that prevails in the mind of
man is not necessarily a color of blackness but rather a deception that has held him back from what God has intended in truth.
The truth shall set us free if we are willing to look at the truth and not turn away from it. Of course truth will always
expose the lie within us just as light will expose the darkness, but we who have longed for liberation and fulfillment are
available to God for whatever he would have us do in order that His Truth would prevail in us, so that the creation would
be liberated from the power of darkness and be brought into his marvelous light. This then is the story of God and the purpose
of Christ.
Since Christ is the light,
the illuminator of man, it is clear that without him the purpose and intent of God cannot be known among men. Without light
shining in the darkness, the darkness of our own hearts and minds, there can be no knowledge of Gods will for us. Without
truth portraying the purpose of God we will always continue under the delusion of what we THINK God is doing, has done and
will continue to do throughout time and space. But rather, we have come to a place in time wherein a people are coming out
of the darkness into His light and are being liberated and set free form the ignorance that was once in them./ This coming
out is the reformation of which we speak. In order for their to be a final truth displayed in the earth and among angels,
there must be the final phase of conclusion. Conclusion is the final act of a journey, or a story or a play.
In the history of
God there have been many acts and chapters, but we have now entered into the final chapter of the book, the Conclusion of
the matter, the FINISHED work. Father God, who is the author and finisher of our faith is now finalizing the book and bringing
all things to their end. Afterwards he will write another book, one that will transcend time and space, a book that he has
longed to reveal to a people who were created and intended to be the characters within and of that book. But for now we must
recognize the FINISHING of this book, the one that was started in the before times concerning Christ and the Man that was
created in his image. However, rather than going back we are going to focus on the now in order to speed up what God has intended
to finish. So we come right now to the point of the Third and final reformation!
We simply look at
a man named Martin Luther who was used by God to bring a people out of the dark ages of times gone by who were steeped in
religious tradition and lived under the yoke of slavery to me. Martin was used to draw men out of the system of what is known
as Catholicism into a new way of life. The light that shined in those days produced a new kind of life for millions and millions
around the world until this day. While the reformation of Martin Luther was a chapter in the book, it was certainly not the
final Chapter, the conclusion of the story of God. Indeed we are now living in the final chapter, the finishing of the book
and there is no doubt a final phase that must be understood and entered into by those who have been called to pioneer into
this new day called the Third Day and the Seventh Day. This is the great and final reformation for the CHURCH of Jesus Christ
and it is the now time of loosening from us all that lies behind and has become the time of pressing into the fullness of
all things. This day is a day wherein the IF'S in the word are no more and the TIME THAT WILL BE is in fact the time that
has come. We are a people who are no longer blocked behind the If and the WHAT LIE AHEAD concept in Scripture but are rather
removed and brought forth INTO the present reality of CHRIST in us the fullness of the Glory of God! Scriptures like IF YOU
Many other scriptures
like these will be introduced as time goes by, but for now suffice it to say that we are the Church that has been called into
fullness, into reception, into the finished work. This means that verses like IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST, HE IS A NEW CREATURE
Has become WE WHO ARE IN CHRIST ARE NEW CREATURES It is no longer to be out off! Our brothers in times past relegated these
truths into compartments of Positional, Experiential and glorified or actual. These different placements, if you will, have
been swallowed up in HAVE BECOME! The light that is now shining out of the darkness is the CHRIST in us shining forth to the
nations of the earth! We are CHRIST IN THE EARTH! Notice I did not say that I am CHRIST! I SAID WE ARE Christ in the earth.
We are the body of CHRIST! We, the body are joined to the head, who is Christ. Make it known that Christ the head is not one
with the body of natural men and women. He, Jesus is not Christ and we, the body, some other substance. We are the same substance,
CHRIST! CHRIST IN US, not the hope of glory, but the GLORY! The Glory of God is CHRIST! The reformation then today is the
reforming of our thoughts, theologies, understanding, knowledge and so forth. A greater light is beginning to dawn in the
hearts of Gods people who Have cried out to him saying there must be more! The more is CHRIST! Yet the more is not an addition
to what we already have for sufficient to say that the Christ in you right now in the completed, perfected and mature Christ
in potential, but today we call it not potential but the fullness of the reality. Potential speaks to what is possible while
the appearing of a thing is the fulfillment of what it was once potential of becoming.
Lets say it this way;
To those who believed he gave power to BECOME! There is the potential. But those who were given power to become, have BECOME,
meaning it is no more potential but fulfillment, REALITY! Jesus said that he was bringing many sons to glory, well today he
is not bringing for of a truth he has brought! These sons that were being trained under the tutors and disciplines have become
what they were supposed to be and are now walking and living in the light of who and what they are! Namely sons who are setting
the creation free! What then is the need for a Third reformation in the Church? It is that the Church is to BE SOMETHING!
We have for so many millenniums waited for the appearing of CHRIST in the skies, but the truth has spoken to us that CHRIST
is to appear in us his people. OH little Children, how I travail until CHRIST BE FORMED IN YOU! This forming Paul spoke of
what the final formation of Christ! Prior to this final formation were many re-formations producing the complete formation
of Christ! Paul knew by the Spirit that the children would have to undergo many transformations in order to come to a complete
formation and that which was being transformed within them was their thinking and understanding in order to produce the formation
of Christ in them! The transformation of our thinking will further produce the formation of that which God has placed within
Well here we are in the
Third and final phase, the day of completion, the final act of transformation to produce what the Apostle had longed for since
his beginning, the CHRIST TO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF BELIEVERS! Do not mistake Pauls position. He, as an Apostle was an Apostle
to the CHURCH, not limited to the church or people of his day but to the Church universal, eternal which CHURCH we are. Therefore
what Paul hoped and travailed for tow thousand years ago is now coming forth in this Third Day! After all is said and done,
it will be the GLORIFIED CHURCH operating out from the fullness of CHRIST in them that will effect the world forever more.
This is what the enemy
has sought to defeat, thwart and undermine, for he it was that affected the words in the men of the early days when they said,
THESE MEN WHO HAVE TURNED THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN HAVE COME UNTO US The devil knows that once the thinking is clear in the minds
of Gods people as to what the will of God is, there will come forth illuminating truth that will forever end the rule and
reign of darkness in the earth and heavens. This light is now breaking forth upon the minds of men, and is releasing them
from the power or deception of darkness. Men being kept blind have not been able top advance in the reality of what they were
created to do, but now that the light is shining, true deliverance is manifesting and the kingdom of darkness is being overthrown.
The CHURCH today must
enter in to the finished work and begin to rule and reign in the midst of her enemies! It is time for the Church to take her
seat in heavenly places and to execute the judgment that has been written against Satan and the fallen angels. The Church
Now has the Christ Word, the world of light that will pierce the darkness between mens ears and will have life changing truth
that will lead men into the glorious Kingdom of His dear Son!
The reformation of this
is the final act in Gods book. It has been written and we will look to see what others have put off into the future has now
become the present truth of the age. The future has come and what the faithful Church has done throughout the past two thousand
years by holding out the word of truth is now being rewarded and fulfilled by the church living in the present. We who have
received the word spoken by the Apostles and Prophets are now the recipients of the fulfillment of their words, yet a greater
truth is to be known. The word of God, that has come to the earth is now living and abiding in us the CHURCH and we have received
the power of the message and have allowed it to transform us from the inside out and have witnessed the Formation of CHRIST!
The battle of coming out of Second day Church mentality will be fought in courts, schoolrooms and the like. Just like the
reformation under Martin Luther was, so shall the fight be between those are coming out of limited traditional ideas and concepts,
which were actually to be held onto and out so that a people who would come could embrace the promises and receive the unto
their completeness, so it is now that the CHURCH has come out from among them and has put on CHRIST in Knowledge, in understanding,
in word and in truth!
Christ is walking in the
earth and you and I are the vessels in which this treasure is now being released! Everything is Christ, of Christ, in Christ
and for Christ! It is him, all in all that is taking the seat of preeminence among all things created! You and I are one with
him in substance and are one with him in union and one with him in truth. We are like him and are in the exact image of him.
He is in us and we are in him! This is a great mystery, or has been a great mystery, but no more! Christ and the CHURCH are
one and the need for natural death to occur to embrace him has passed away for now our union with him is genuine and eternal
in every sense of the word. Our translation, our being changed in a MOMENT, an indivisible time, is the actual out raying
of Christ in us, which is now come. We are at the any moment time, a time so fast and so complete that nothing will be able
to stop it or prevent it from coming to pass. What we declare in this book is that what is coming to pass has now come to
pass! Believe it! Christ in you has come forth in your understanding, in your knowledge and you will never be the same again
for it is not you who shines but Christ shining in you, the life you and I now live in the flesh we live by faith in the Son
Of God. But the life, the actual life force we live in the Spirit is now eternal, justified, complete and perfect!
May Christ shine
in each and everyone of us from this time forth forever more! This is the great reformation, the final reformation taking